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GPCRs, G-proteins, effectors and their interactions: human-gpDB, a database employing visualization tools and data integration techniques




G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are a major family of membrane receptors in eukaryotic cells. They play a crucial role in the communication of a cell with the environment. Ligands bind to GPCRs on the outside of the cell, activating them by causing a conformational change, and allowing them to bind to G-proteins. Through their interaction with G-proteins, several effector molecules are activated leading to many kinds of cellular and physiological responses. The great importance of GPCRs and their corresponding signal transduction pathways is indicated by the fact that they take part in many diverse disease processes and that a large part of efforts towards drug development today is focused on them. We present Human-gpDB, a database which currently holds information about 713 human GPCRs, 36 human G-proteins and 99 human effectors. The collection of information about the interactions between these molecules was done manually and the current version of Human-gpDB holds information for about 1663 connections between GPCRs and G-proteins and 1618 connections between G-proteins and effectors. Major advantages of Human-gpDB are the integration of several external data sources and the support of advanced visualization techniques. Human-gpDB is a simple, yet a powerful tool for researchers in the life sciences field as it integrates an up-to-date, carefully curated collection of human GPCRs, G-proteins, effectors and their interactions. The database may be a reference guide for medical and pharmaceutical research, especially in the areas of understanding human diseases and chemical and drug discovery.
机译:G蛋白偶联受体(GPCR)是真核细胞中膜受体的主要家族。它们在细胞与环境的通讯中起着至关重要的作用。配体与细胞外部的GPCR结合,通过引起构象变化激活它们,并使其与G蛋白结合。通过它们与G蛋白的相互作用,几个效应分子被激活,从而导致多种细胞和生理反应。 GPCR及其相应的信号转导途径非常重要,这是因为它们参与了许多不同的疾病过程,并且当今致力于药物开发的大部分努力都集中在它们上。我们提出了Human-gpDB,这是一个当前包含有关713个人类GPCR,36个人类G蛋白和99个人类效应子的信息的数据库。有关这些分子之间相互作用的信息的收集是手动完成的,当前版本的Human-gpDB包含有关GPCR和G蛋白之间约1663个连接以及G蛋白与效应子之间1618个连接的信息。 Human-gpDB的主要优点是多个外部数据源的集成以及高级可视化技术的支持。对于人类生命科学领域的研究人员而言,Human-gpDB是一种简单而强大的工具,因为它集成了最新,精心策划的人类GPCR,G蛋白,效应子及其相互作用的集合。该数据库可能是医学和药学研究的参考指南,尤其是在了解人类疾病以及化学和药物发现方面。



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